Reki Kyan- I think I'm good at things but when I see someone better then me I then try to be better then them, or try to be at the same level as them. I'm normally left behind during activities and I'm not always the first option. I don't think that highly of myself and always pay attention to all the negative things that people have to say about me. I'm always comparing myself to everyone else.

Miya Chinen- I don't always have the best attitude towards those I first meet, and I used to have a lot of friends who quickly disappeared, whenever someone wants to be my friend I question why they would want to be friends with someone like me.

I have trouble believing people, in which I have trust issues. Once something bad happens the first time I get scared that It'll happen again and try not to let it happen for the second time.

Yuno Gasai- I'd do anything to be with the one I love dearest. I get very jealous seeing the one I love with someone else and see them having a better time with them rather then me. I normally end up using violence to deal with my problems. I feel lonley.

Atsumu Miya- I'm selfish, and I have a hard time paying attention to what people are saying, I also normally tend to lie. My personality can change pretty quickly, and I'm always hungry. I get pretty mad when someone interrupts me when I'm in the middle of doing something.

Tadashi Yamaguchi- I'm really shy and more then half of the time I rely on others. I doubt the things I'm capable of, and I can't handle my nerves. Whenever I can't do something, I will try to get better at it. I always look up to those who help me. I tend to be mean to others, especially around my friends

but I'm actually nice. I get mad when people are doubtful and don't believe in themselves. I get mad+sad when I can't do something. I admire those who can do things I can't and admire their talent. I also got 'bullied' a lot for the way I look. I always apologize for messing things up, quite frequently.

Rinko Shirokane- I'm shy and get frightened by the idea of being in front of an audience. I love playing games. I get uncomfortable being around a lot of people, but feel better when with someone I trust. I also get really excited when it comes to the things I'm interested in, and can ramble forever.